Quality is one of those concepts like money, enlightenment or status that everybody wants but never can quite get enough of. What is insidiously dangerous about organization’s and people’s desire for quality is that they usually do not realize that it is simply a metric or measure of the customer’s expectation and must be delivered at that level: no more and no less.
Does that mean providing a lower level of quality because the customer wants it even if the organization is capable of producing a higher level? Yes! That is exactly what I am asserting. To make sense of this seemingly contradictory statement, let us first understand quality and its implied characteristics.
The definition of quality as per ISO is "the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs." This includes the characteristics of availability, reliability, maintainability, serviceability, performance and security as defined by the customer in their requirements.
Availability may be thought of as the ability of the product or service to perform its agreed function when required and is usually expressed as a percentage.
Reliability is the measure of how long a product or service can perform its agreed function before interruption. It is usually expressed in units of time.
Maintainability is a measure of how quickly and effectively a product or service can be restored to normal working after a failure. It is usually expressed in units of time.
Serviceability is the degree to which the servicing of an item can be accomplished with the given resources and timeframes. This is usually performed by a third party supplier and is measured in units of time.
Performance and security are specific to the customer requirements of what task the product or service should perform and what levels of security are necessary. These characteristics vary widely from product to product.
So it may be stated that the sum total of these characteristics at levels specified by the customer make up the overall characteristic of quality which then must be delivered to the customer by IT. But the question under discussion is should an organization provide a higher than requested level of service to the customer if it is capable of doing so? While this was an accepted practice in the past, in today’s environment, it is not a recommended practice. But why is it not recommended? Let us consider an example.
An internet service provider delivers two levels of internet service. One level is at 250 Kbps and the other is at 500 Kbps speed. The price is $30 per month for the 250 Kbps and $40 per month for the 500 Kbps service. Now it might be logistically attractive for the company to provide 500 Kbps to everybody and simply charge $30 to those who signed up for the 250 Kbps service. However, once the $30 per month paying customers get used to the higher level of service, they will complain of service degradation if the service falls below 500 Kbps which is what they are now used to. Even though the company is technically not failing to provide the agreed level of service, as the speed is still above 250 Kbps, the customers will in all likelihood switch to the competitor even if the competitor was providing 250 Kbps speeds. Furthermore, the company will be shortchanging itself because they could enjoy lower operating costs (and therefore higher profits) if they provided 250 Kbps service to the $30 customers and held them at that level.
Organizations with high impact of failure such as hospitals, military, NASA etc. may choose to pursue higher than promised quality levels simply as a buffer to shield themselves against the catastrophic cost of failure. But this is a pre-planned, thought out action and not simply a blind surge towards more quality whether the customer wants it and is willing to pay for it or not.
By and large though, quality is not a holy grail that should be pursued blindly to perfection but in reality simply a metric that should be analyzed for customer demands, cost-effectiveness and return on investment and set to levels that make sense. Then the quality levels should be achieved and delivered to the customer at exactly the stated amounts. Any other path of action will lead to a reduction in competitiveness for that organization.